In 2017, Renáta entered the private dog dance world. He taught Luna various tricks from an early age, and the pup absorbed the knowledge with great enthusiasm. Although the owner was first afraid that he would not be very successful in dog dancing due to the large size of the Moscow Watcher, they eventually started a race. They finished third in the starting class straight away.
(latest news here)
“Luna’s talent showed up early on, but no one would guess what the potential was. After our first competition, I decided to take dog dancing seriously Renee started.
Dog dancing is not about shaping, which, according to the coach, involves forced cooperation. Although dogs receive a reward bite in the first round when they perform a trick, the animal’s greatest appreciation later on is when they see their owner’s smile.
During the exercises we teach the dogs tricks, these are the ends of the show. The dog and the owner can perform a dance, but they can even tell a story using gestures Renee, who’s been playing jazz ballet for ten years anyway, explained, so the genre wasn’t far from him at all.
“With Luna, our current story is about ascent.” By the end of our dance I will be transformed into an angel. I have another puppy named Aslan. We play a love story with him The coach told me.
Read more @ https://www.campuslately.com/renata-blikk-breed-dance-champions-from-her-dogs/
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