July 2022

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It is one of those paradoxes that while song and dance have always been at the heart of Indian film-making culture, very few productions fit into the relatively new genre of ‘dance-films’. Neither the musical, the documentary on dance forms, nor even the full-length feature about a dancer qualify as a dance-film — an avant garde form of cinematic story-telling where movement and rhythm, rather than dialogue, drive the narrative. ‘Manifest,’ the country’s first international dance film festival dedicated to the genre, gets under way here on

What do we mean by “dance songs”? Good question. In a sense, any song that ever got any one person moving in any perceptible direction is a dance song. The Beatles made great dance songs — as did Slayer. Nearly all the hip-hop and reggae ever made is great dance music. But to make our list of The 200 Greatest Dance Songs of All Time, a song had to be part of “dance music culture.” It’s a more specific world, but an enormous one too, going back

A NEW dance troupe launched at the Aula Maxima in UCC has been described as the first of its kind in Ireland showcasing diverse Indian dance styles from Indian folk to Bollywood. Aatma Indian Dance Troupe launched under the theme of Navarasa which translates as “nine human emotions.” Indian classical dance forms included Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi, Kathak; Indian folk dances: Garba, Dandiya, and Bihu styles. Dancers also showcased Lezim and Bollywood moves Aatma was founded by Dr Lekha Menon Margassery, who works as a Technical officer at the School of Microbiology

Dancing can be many things: An expression of art, a fun hobby, a representation of culture, and a great form of exercise. “Dancing is the ultimate workout,” says Julie Granger, a Paris-based International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) personal trainer and founder and creator of The Studio Paris and Ballerina Body Training. Not only does dancing involve engaging all of your muscles and limbs, it also gets your heart pumping. Plus, dancing can be a whole lot of fun. A workout you can look forward to? Sign us up. The style of

The first Chinese to study classical dance in India, Zhang Jun had passed away in 2012 The India-China frictions took a backseat for a while in Beijing as a large number of Chinese flocked to a scintillating show of Indian classical dance performances to pay emotional tribute to Zhang Jun, China’s legendary dancer of Bharatanatyam, Kathak and Odissi. Tired of COVID lockdowns and other restrictions in Beijing, over 300 Chinese fans of Zhang thronged the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) auditorium on Friday night to watch sterling performances from