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Mexican dancers perform to conquer the hearts of new generations

Mexico City, Aug 10 (EFE).- Outfitted with headdresses made of the feathers of various birds and wearing hand-sewn costumes with leather and colored fabric, the members of a family who perform pre-Hispanic dances are trying to conquer the hearts and the conscience of new generations at the same time that they are working to preserve this tradition.

“We’re taking on the task of ensuring that this doesn’t get lost: conquering the hearts and minds (of new generations),” Alejandro Vazquez told EFE on Tuesday, adding that for three decades he has headed the Huizachtlan dance group from the Iztapalapa district in the eastern part of Mexico City.

The sound of the drums during their performance merges with the sound of the conch shell wind instruments and the songs of the dancers or “concheros” (conch-players) – as they’re known – who are attired in short skirts, kneepads, wristbands, breastplates and headdresses, some of which are adorned with real or fake feathers from pheasants, turkeys, chickens and ostriches.

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